Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm going to a fall bridal shower!

Okay so that is not exactly true.  Today the wonderful gals over at Sunday Girl Designs included my Three Rustic Ladies fall inspired centerpieces in their blog.  They were planning a fall bridal shower inspired by their beautiful invitation from their Esty shop.

I'm extremely honored to be a part of their blog and especially excited about the party.  I'm so looking forward to the cocktails!

Thank you again Sunday Girl Designs.

By they way - adore your shop name.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My First Blog

Although I'm fairly certain no one is reading this, I'm writing my very first blog post ever.  I'm attempting to begin a blog to promote my new business Manda Girl Designs - home for "I do it for you" paper flowers.

Over the years I've planned many parties, weddings and events on a budget.  Over time I've tried to find ways to save money on centerpieces and florals.  I taught myself to make these lovely, beautiful and fun paper Kusudama flowers and have found them to be the greatest thing ever!!!

Please visit Manda Girl Designs to see what this whole thing is all about.  I'm particularly friendly for brides!  But these flowers are good for any flower necessary occasion.

I want to give a big huge thank you to other Etsy shop owners who have included me in their recent treasuries: jemsbyjandcompanywith Dinner's at Eight and Soup of the Day...WHISKEY by ttyr.