Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Someone stole my flowers!

I'm trying to have more guts!  I have started this online business known as Manda Girl Designs, and I am working on the whole "nothing ventured nothing gained" attitude.  Two nights ago I decided I would take down one of my small Labor Day styled arrangements and put it in our building's mail room area.  My husband and I live in a very nice condo building.  We are renters not owners and I am not completely up on all the rules, but what I do know is there is a small table and cork board in our mail room that has a stack of business cards for a wedding photographer on the table and a handwritten advertisement for housekeeping services on the board...amongst a few other things.  It is all neat and tidy, but due to the nature of those items, I thought nothing of putting my little arrangement and some business cards out with it.

The next day....they are gone.  I can only presume they were removed.  I would LIKE to think that someone loved the arrangement and claimed it as their own and all the business cards were taken for worthwhile purposes, but....there were probably about twenty cards so, yeah, I doubt it.

Maybe I should have asked permission, but I really wish they would return my arrangement!

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